By using mobile applications, particularly SMS (Short Message Service), companies can communicate between employees, customers and business partners efficiently and effectively.
Business Marketing
SMS enables businesses to communicate with their customers easily and cost effectively to improve sales.
Business Marketing
SMS enables businesses to provide a higher level of service to their customers, keep them up to date and build stronger relationships.
Network Support
IT support services face the challenge to provide 24x7 service to ensure continuous up-time for IT systems within a company. SMS is an effective communication tool to send alerts when systems fail.
The sections below illustrate how different industries can use the range of sendQuick SMS Servers:
- Healthcare - Pharmaceutical
- HealthcareHospitals & Clinics
- Hospitality - Hotels
- Travel - Travel Agency
- Education - Private & Public Schools/Institutions
- Service & Support Technical Support
- Courier & Delivery Companies
- Data Centres & IT Support Services
- Clubs, Membership & Fitness Centres
- Retail - Service & Product Retailing